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When the power goes out.

When a storm hits, and the electricity supply fails, it can be a challenging and stressful situation.

Here are some tips on how to be prepared to manage in a storm when your electricity supply fails:

1. Have an emergency kit ready: Prepare an emergency kit that includes flashlights, batteries, a battery-powered radio, non-perishable food, water, and first aid supplies. Keep this kit in an easily accessible location.

2. Invest in a generator: If you live in an area prone to storms and power outages, consider investing in a generator. This will provide you with a backup source of power in case of an outage.

3. Unplug electronics: To protect your electronics from power surges, unplug them during a storm. This includes computers, televisions, and other devices.

4. Stay informed: Keep up to date with the latest weather forecasts and warnings. Listen to the radio or check online for updates on the storm and its potential impact.

5. Stay away from downed power lines: If you see any downed power lines, stay away from them and report them to your local power company. Do not touch them or attempt to move them.

6. Conserve your phone battery: If the power is out, conserve your phone battery by turning off unnecessary features and reducing screen brightness. This will help ensure that you can stay connected in case of an emergency.

7. Stay warm: If the power is out and it’s cold outside, take steps to stay warm. Wear layers of  clothing, use blankets, and close off any unused rooms to conserve heat.

8. Check on your neighbours: If you have elderly or vulnerable neighbours, check on them to make sure they are safe and have what they need.

By following these quick tips, you can be better prepared to manage in a storm when your electricity supply fails.

It’s always a good idea to have a plan in place and be ready for any emergency and it is recommended that you have at least three days of emergency supplies.